2 months plus, you're still the love of my life.
this weekend was a super eventful one, lotsa things happened. baby cooked salted fish fried rice for me, we went to eat at j8's mos, we met Joash and oh yeah, we broke up again. LOL. its hard to be in a relationship when both parties' temper is just as bad luh, but still, it comes down to the simple question of whether we love each other anot luh. fact is, we do. and yeah, i broke one of the promises that i made to baby today. and i fucking regret it. baby broke one of her promises to me as well. idk if she regrets it or not la. LOL. but it would be a fucking waste ,if we ended here. it really would be. which is why we have both decided to continue. every quarrel is a lesson, i really do hope we both learn from this uh. like what joash said, there's 2 kinds of couples who quarrel. 1st kind, they quarrel and then they break up. 2nd kind, they quarrel and they become closer. i hope with all my heart that bi and me are the second luhs. nth much to say already. not much mood i guess. tidied up the room and all. baby's fast asleep now. gonna go over and watch her sleep luh. <3
oh yeah, these are the pics that we took yesterday.